Our graduate programme includes a regular assessment system. Written and oral annual reports support you in your project planning, help to critically assess your scientific work and ensure that you are up to date with the latest research literature and developments.
Thesis Advisory Committee
During the three-year graduate programme a thesis advisory committee consisting of your direct supervisor and two additional experienced scientists will supervise you. Regular meetings with the thesis committee for critical assessment of your research progress provide an opportunity to review your work and optimize your research plans. The thesis advisory committee reports directly to the CGA coordination that constantly monitors student development and progress.
Progress Reports
After the first 6 months, students write a short project proposal, and present their aims orally to members of the thesis committee for initial input. Students then submit a progress report after 1.5 years documenting their research accomplishments and challenges, and present this orally to the committee. In the third year a written and oral progress report is presented which provides the basis for decisions on how to complete the experimental work, develop a realistic time plan for the remaining months of the thesis and prepare a publication strategy.
Progress reports are evaluated by the thesis committee and should include:
- Background of the work
- Aim of the project
- Description of the experimental work
- Results of the experimental work
- Discussion of the results
- Plans for continuation of the project